Behaviours for Learning

We recognise that pupils need to be ready to learn in order to maximize their progress. At Ash Hill we have consistent whole school approach to behaviours for learning, this is called Let’s Get Smart which is a positive approach to promoting the behaviour that we expect. We encourage all pupils to use words and actions that help everyone to feel safe, learn and be happy. It is the responsibility of all adults on the school premises, through their work and their manner, to promote this policy.

As a school community we aim to enable all children to:

  • Achieve their full potential, by providing a calm, predictable learning environment and supporting their behaviours for learning
  • Relax and have fun at playtimes, by providing opportunities to participate in a range of activities, and supporting their social development and relationships
  • Acquire the values, personal qualities, attitudes and skills that will help them to reach their potential, make a positive contribution to the life of the school and wider community, and achieve success in later life
  • Develop their capacity to prevent and resolve difficulties with learning and relationships, and so avoid patterns of unhelpful behaviour from developing, by intervening early


Our Six School Values

We have six school values, which reflect the ethos of the school, and are promoted across the school day, including in assemblies, lessons, and at playtimes. Our values are:

  • Responsibility
  • Determination
  • Community-Mindedness
  • Resilience
  • Honesty
  • Consideration


Our Token System

At Ash Hill we reinforce the expected behaviours by rewarding pupils with tokens. Our school day is split into six equal parts. In each session pupils have the opportunity to earn a blue token (for showing positive behaviours for learning) and a green token (for showing community-minded behaviours). Pupil’s individual token totals are also recorded by their class teacher. 

At the end of the half term children can select a reward experience during our Ready To Celebrate afternoon. The rewards are tiered and children can select based on how many tokens they earned. This is a time for children across the school to come together in mixed age groups and have a joyful experience together with staff, recognising their efforts and good behaviours for learning.